An angel appeared before me as I sat up from my position on the floor. Somehow, I had managed to get myself into heaven, despite all of the stupid shit- sorry- stuff I've done. I probably shouldn't cuss considering how I'm suppose to be modest and all. The angel looked at me, and his thoughts flowed into my mind. He didn't speak, but he said a lot. "When a leaf falls and lands in a stream, it's done for. The waters carry it from that point on. There are different currents, though, that can pick it up and change its course. Easily, almost instantaneously, the leaf can be sent into another direction. And you, my child, are a leaf. You became you by choosing certain currents. Part of what we do here is we like to introduce you to the different versions of yourself, the leaves that chose other paths. First, let me introduce you to Peter, the assistant manager of McDonald's."
A scruffy young man of about twenty came out of an unnoticed door that was behind me. He looked generally shocked to see me. He was me, but he looked different. The sides of his head were shaved and on his arms were several tattoos and needle scars.
"Peter, meet Peter. He is the third alternate you." The angel addressed the young man. Peter started to weep uncontrollably.
Utterly shocked at the loss of control of the young version of myself, I spoke. "I'm Peter, but you probably already knew that. How old are you, son?"
"Nine-teen." He managed to squeeze out. The angel was gone now.
"Alright, Peter. I guess I'll begin. I never got that job at McDonald's all those years ago because I never turned in my application. I actually lost it at the library when I was studying with my best friend, Henry, for finals. I thought about filling out another, but I ended up getting an internship for an engineering company instead."
"I remember Henry. One of the other guys said he lived a good life. You're the third me I've met, though, and each version I keep trying to tell myself sucks. I want to be able to say that I lived life to the fullest. I had several girlfriends and was sort of successful in my career. Assistant manager, that's something right?" Was Peter trying to convince me or himself?
"But I used all of my paycheck to buy the next best drug available." Peter looked down at the holes in his arms. "The last guy I met had four kids and was in his nineties. He died because of old age. You'll probably meet him. The first me was six. Got hit by a car because he didn't look both ways at the bus stop. At first, I thought that my life was good compared to both of theirs. Little Pete got to die innocent. He didn't experiment with the wrong drugs or end up working in a grease bin. And the old me. He died loved and surrounded by tokens of his success. He had a caretaker and a big mansion. I- I had nothing except what was in my pockets."
"I'm sorry," I said. "For me, it was almost my 45th birthday when I died of cancer. I took up the horrible habit of smoking, which led to my eventual decline. I have three kids. We hadn't planned a fourth. I didn't work much. I invested in real estate when I was younger and started renting out my property shortly after. I guess we're the same in the way that we gave into our addictions and they took our lives."
Peter cut in. "But my addiction didn't take my life. I did. I was tired of the same old same old. My family was disappointed in me and had disowned me. I lost everything so I became nothing. I don't need you telling me how wrong of a job I did. I know I screwed up."
"Time's up." Interrupted the angel. Young Peter shook my hand, forcing manners out of himself. Then he went back through his door and closed it behind him.
"Are you ready for the next Peter?"
I nodded and another door appeared. Out stepped a man in high heels and drag. This was going to be hell.