Friday, February 7, 2014


After I graduated high school, I was in that weird adjustment phase between school-life and college-life. I was still living with my parents and was applying to as many jobs as I could in order to round up some cash. I had very little time for socializing, but when I did, I reserved my time for only one person: Sam.

Sam was one of the big football stars at my school.  Despite his many accomplishments in the game, he never dated much. To be honest, I had often hoped that I was the reason for that. After high school, he waited for the semester to start at a local University. 

I wasn't driving yet, although I was old enough. Sam said that he'd come pick me up from my house on a Saturday night. If I were going out with anyone else, I would have worn something a less casual. I wore sweatpants and a t-shirt with a cardigan. 

When he arrived, Sam was no more casual than I. He wore basketball shorts and a sweatshirt. He made a comment about our outfits, but I have long since forgotten the joke. We decided on fast food. 

On the way home, after we had eaten, Sam asked if I was driving yet. I explained to him that I didn't have enough money for insurance and that I didn't even know how to drive yet. 

"Driving is all instinct. Muscle memory and stuff." Sam said to me.

"I've driven before, but very briefly because it was illegal." 

"What if there were an emergency and you had to drive?" He looked at me for a second, then returned his eyes to the road.

"I don't know. Maybe." I shrugged.

"My throat is dry, I can't drive any more." Sam took his hands off the wheel and reached for his Pepsi. We were on the freeway and the car was going 70+ mph. I flipped.

"Sam! Oh my God! What are you doing!" 

"Emergency." He laughed.

I couldn't just NOT take the wheel. Sam was stubborn, and I knew that he'd let the car get real close to running off the road if I didn't take the wheel. He was such a tease back then. 

With my left hand I reached across and started to steer. 

"See? You can drive." He casually sipped his soda. 

He let me steer the whole ten miles home. When we were driving through the neighborhood, the steering got a bit difficult. He put his hand on the other side of the wheel and guided me through.

When we arrived back at my house, he walked me to my door. I nudged him for making me drive illegally. He nudged me back, but mid-nudge he grabbed hold of my waist, pulled me in and laid one on me. A long awaited kiss. 

"You should drive more often." He smiled, then I went inside and closed the door behind me. I stood with my back on the front door for a few seconds before going upstairs. I touched my lips and smiled, "Drive" is what I said.

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